Date of visit: 13 November 2018
Visit number: 61
Prison type: Category C
Capacity: 1002
Opened: 1958
Operator: HMPS
Officers praised the Governor (‘supportive’, ‘open door’, ‘visible’), and valued staff recognition (including thank you letters), a weekly newsletter (also thanking staff), personalised Christmas cards, bi-monthly full staff meetings, and ‘very supportive’ management. They valued a strong focus on training (including monthly full day shutdown), flexible detailing, and the staff mess. They described staff relations (helped by team bonding sessions) as well as relations with prisoners, as ‘good’, and rated visits facilities and regular family day visits.
The CMs and SMs felt the No. 1 had ‘transformed’ morale and staff relations, and also rated team bonding and training, staff recognition, weekly newsletters & ‘thank you’s, bi-monthly briefings, personalised Xmas cards and staff family fun days. They thought staff-prisoner relations ‘very’ good, with Keywork making a ‘big difference’, and rated a specialist IPP unit, day-care ‘drop in’ for self-isolators, vocational training (including CODE4000 app & web training), and the use of restorative principles and management’s challenging of poor behaviour. Security was strong ‘but proportionate’, and extra netting, CCTV, and Rapiscan and mail photocopying were helping to tackle Spice. Local police relations were ‘very good’ and ‘all incidents’ were investigated.
The prisoners felt generally safe, described relations with staff as ’good’, and praised the Governor. They highlighted the role of the (prisoner) ‘Humber Pilots’ who meet regularly with the SMT and provide a wide range of peer support. They praised safer custody & self-harm support (led by a ‘brilliant Officer’), the peer-led Andy’s Man Club and day-care drop-in. They rated a peer-led debt avoidance workshop for new inductions, the OMU, and healthcare staff and facilities, as well as the gym and gym staff. The Lincs Action Trust run visitors centre, family days, and parenting courses, were ‘brilliant’.