Date of visit: 19 June 2018
Visit number: 26
Prison type: Category C
Capacity: 628
Opened: 2010
Operator: HMPS
The prisoners praised a ‘highly’ visible management and a reliable regime that felt ‘very safe’. They said the Prisoner Council and monthly meetings with senior managers were more effective than similar councils they knew of, and praised the range of reps and mentors. Family visits (every couple of months) were ‘excellent’, and they said wing Kiosks reduced potential conflicts with staff, and allowed prisoners some control and self-responsibility. They also liked the amount of time out of cell and the work & training opportunities – especially the gym instructor course and ‘in-house’ record label.
The Officers called Isis a ‘good jail’ that ‘felt safe’. They said management was ‘approachable’ and ‘visible’, and consulted and listened, adding that the ‘very good’ No. 1 was ’open’, ‘supportive’, ‘and not risk averse’. They liked a monthly newsletter and full staff briefing and the ‘very supportive’ CMs and SMT who often said thanks and made staff feel valued. They called staff friendly, ‘very tight’, and said detached staff agreed. They liked training, including 2 weeks of shadowing, and the ‘excellent’ mentoring for new Officers, and really rated the well-used staff mess.
The managers agreed Isis was ‘safe’ and ‘friendly’, citing ‘very good’ relations across staff groups and a ‘focus on kindness and compassion’, led by a ‘positive’, ‘friendly’, and ‘supportive’ No. 1. They too rated the prisoner mentors, visits & family days, and the ‘really good’ mess. They said management-responsiveness (e.g. directly feeding back to prisoners on complaints) and a smooth induction (with orderlies ‘key’) ‘set the tone’. They praised their risk-based OMU allocation (with higher risk prisoners being managed by probation) and access to OBPs, and education & training. They liked that the Governor read ‘thank you letters’ to staff (from prisoners & colleagues) at full staff briefings, and rated regular staff development days, as well as the annual ‘Isis Awards’.