Date of visit: 11 October 2018
Visit number: 54
Prison type: Category B Local
Capacity: 644
Opened: 1872
Operator: HMPS
The managers described Lincoln as a ‘safe and calm’ jail with – ‘for a core local’ – ‘excellent’ staff-prisoner relations and ‘high’ engagement. Managers were ‘high visibility’ (e.g. the Governor and Dep ‘regularly’ walk the prison), and follow up all incidents ‘to support staff’ involved. Staff ‘want to be here’. They rated staff engagement reps, regular staff forums with managers, twice daily wing briefings (run by SOs and ‘regularly’ attended by managers), and monthly full staff briefings. Staff ‘can and do’ bring family members in to see where they work. Keywork had ‘made a huge difference’, as had a Rapiscan scanner for drugs. They rated the range of peer mentors and support workers (e.g. wing reps and a monthly, minuted, Prisoner Forum with the Residential Governor). The internal phone system, letting prisoners contact OMU, healthcare etc, and its peer-led advice line, was valued. There was also high praise for Spark Plus, a partner agency which gives all prisoners pre-reception briefings and psychological risk assessments at Court, and who also offer a ‘Departure Lounge’ service (e.g. so prisoners can charge mobiles, make calls, liaise with probation, and get transport to the rail station).
The Officers praised a ‘really improving’, ‘generally very safe’ jail (‘especially for a local’), ‘committed, dedicated staff’ ‘clearly in charge’, and ‘excellent’ team work and mutual staff support. They liked the Governor and Dep’s ‘strong support’ (including after incidents), and ‘very good’ prisoner relations (often noted by prisoners and visiting staff). A weekly multidisciplinary Safety, Order & Control meeting (with an intel focus and analysing all incidents) had had a ‘significant’ impact on safety and drug supply.
The prisoners felt ‘safe’, with ‘much lower’ levels of Spice since the Rapiscan. Recycling Lives did ‘fantastic’ work on housing and jobs on release, and the wide range of peer mentors and supporters were ‘very good’.